The Office
“Because right now, he is staring at me with these blue eyes. Not the usual blue. Not like my Mister-Know-It-All-blue. My mister has turquoise-blue eyes. This guy has a more sophisticated version of turquoise. His eyes are teal. Teal signifies trustworthiness and reliability. It promotes spiritual advancement and commitment.”
—Ritika Chhabra
The first time I came across Cruising [SW 6782] I started a love affair with the color. The rich tones of the blue-green color really come off the wall, like you are swimming in The Maldives. It creates a relaxing, spa like environment and has a very serene feel to it. The yellow accessories bring in warmth like the sun at its zenith, while the white Pilsen Salt desk and filing cabinet balance the room out.
All design work and images by Cale