“If IF were a Fifth, we’d all be drunk.”
Cale [ca-le]
noun 1. a male given name; is of Hebrew, Germanic and Irish Gaelic origin. The Hebrew meaning is “faithful” and the Irish Gaelic meaning is “thin, slender”.
2. Born in Burbank, California on September 18. An accomplished average driver who swam with fish and lived to talk about it. Former president of the Captain Kangaroo fan club while becoming the most famous ankle model in history. High school yearbook quote : “You can’t make everyone happy, you aren’t pizza.” Voted most likely to determine how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. A nationally recognized stick figure artist who is certified in coloring inside the lines in coloring books. Academy award winner for best actor for his incredible performance in the movie short “How To Work A Drive-Thru Like A Master”. “He is the best actor I have ever seen on the silver screen”, said Pee-Wee Herman. Not to be outdone by Pee-Wee, Charlie Sheen says “This dude has tiger blood running in his veins. He is the f-ing wizard. WINNING”. My wife says I take her bullying like a champ and my kids love that I am doormat. Most recent accomplishment is selling a woman wearing white gloves ketchup popsicles.
See also : Virgo, paper cut survivor, pizza lover, hot dog impersonator.