The Back Yard

Good planting design does not follow a formula. At best, it allows you to experiment with nature and through nature to make an original statement. As in all of the arts, the best garden designers take risks. Only by taking risks can you come up with something exciting and original.”
—James Van Sweden


The backyard needed a complete makeover, as it was a little outdated. I wanted to have a backyard that would be more open yet tranquil and peaceful, which means we would need to have a clean slate to work with. We removed the wooden deck, trees and everything in the flowerbed that was lining the fence. We converted the back patio to black star gravel and created a walking path for easy access in and out of the gate no matter what the weather conditions would bring. I also wanted to create a black star gravel area around the entire yard to make it all flow. I also wanted to go to a complete container yard so I have the ability to switch out once I get bored with a particular plant. We then had the sprinkler system fixed, had the yard leveled and had new sod put down. Add paint, patio furniture, a fountain, a windchime, a firepit and Star Jasmine to grow up the fence and we have the backyard I wanted.


All design work and images by Cale


The Front Yard


The Patio